Thursday, May 27, 2010

Therapy Action

We tried out the theratogs again today at PT. It's possible we're going to try something similar that achieves the same result for Imogene's posture. Amy & Susan are going to work on it together to figure out the best plan. (as they do with all of Imogene's care, which I love.) Here are some pictures. Next week at OT we'll begin electronic stimulation on her arm. I haven't done much research on this yet. Amy did mention that we'd probably get our own e-stim machine to do this at home too. I'm going to need a therapy closet soon!

With the theratogs.

She looks like she's standing up alone!
(She's leaning on my leg and I'm holding her waist, but she was pretty stable this way!)

Without the thertogs.
(Apparently all the therapists can tell a big difference in her positioning when she's wearing them.)

This is Imogene in her kinesiotape. She tried several kinds - they either left a rash for days after the tape came off, or the tape came off within a day or two. So it looks like the taping is off the list of therapy options.

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