Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Happy Easter

What a truly blessed day we had today. When Lily got up we were downstairs and she called down, "Good Morning, Happy Easter." She was very excited about what the easter bunny brought her. Polly Pocket and Monster Mitts - velcro mitts with a fuzzy tennis ball- were the big hits. Also a big fan of her toy cell phone that had lip gloss inside. The same lip gloss that is way more glittery than the Easter Bunny noticed when she bought it, as evidenced by the crazy glitter face that Lily wore this afternoon. She looked hysterical, like an 80's punk rocker. Imogene liked the basket fun, and was excited about her new snack cup and actually really played for a while with her new Easter socks. Mostly she just wanted what Lily had. The Easter Bunny had a hard time coming up with stuff for Imogene. The EB will do better when Imogene is old enough to notice that her sister is getting WAY more than she gets. She did get a plush puppy dog pull-toy. She loves her "do-s." This afternoon she and Bill were on the floor and she was holding the toy. Bill said "Hug Daddy?" She dropped that toy so quickly and went straight for the hug. Absolutely adorable.
Church was wonderful - always such a great service on Easter. It was especially nice for me because I was the Elder for the baptism of baby Lillian, the daughter of our friends John & Jessica. She did so well - the cutest part was when her 2 year-old sister was saying"my Lillian, bring my Lillian back" when Lillian was walked down the aisle as part of the baptism. It was an honor to be a small part of such a big day for their family!
Imogene lasted for about 1/2 of church. She got really angry when we tried to take her pencils away. She was having a great time flirting with some tween boys (ALREADY!) and coloring with her pencils. But when she started to move the pencils around a lot we worried she'd stab herself! So Bill and I took turns with her in the fellowship hall for the remainder of the time.
We went to a lovely brunch with our friends the Mosses. Everyone had a great time - and we even ate for a whole hour! That's a record I'm sure! Lily enjoyed her strawberries so much that her dress has already been washed. I try not to be too big of a worry-wort about that stuff, but their dresses were so pretty and I just couldn't stand it if they were stained. Good thing it came right out!
This afternoon our little family just sat in the backyard while Lily played in the sandbox and Imogene tried to decide what to do about the grass and the dirt. She finally decided it was worth crawling to try and get to Lily who was riding this very old push-toy cart thing. She got dirty, and you could tell she just felt 'stuck.' Naney arrived late this afternoon for the week - she's on Spring Break. Lily goes back to school Tuesday, but is excited to take Nane to ballet tomorrow and garden club on Wednesday! I'm excited to have Naney here as I can get stuff done! We're having a yard sale in two weeks and there is A LOT to do!
I have a ton of great pictures I'd love to share from this weekend, but until we get our new computer, you'll just have to trust me that it was a beautiful day with our beautiful girls.

1 comment:

  1. i can't stand it that there were no pictures!! i love seeing what the girls are wearing because i'm sure they were just too cute. missed you all and westminster but glad you had a good Easter!
