Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hear We Go Again!

Get it, HEAR we go again? This is going to be about Lily's ENT appointment. Aren't I clever? :)

Bill and Lily went bright and early this morning to see the ENT and have her hearing checked. As we suspected, the fluid is back in the right ear. He asked us to wait six weeks and bring her back, and then we'll see if it clears up on its own, needs medicine, or a tube. (By the way she could tell you all of this exactly how the doctor told them today.)

Bill and I are overly frustrated with insurance and our bills from therapy and all the mess that goes into having a child (actually children) who need constant care and services. I know it could be so much worse, but sometimes I allow myself to get too bogged down in how long all of this is going to last. I'll admit it - it wears me out to think of going to therapy for another 10-15 years. It just does.  Imogene has made such progress with all of it - especially her speech - WOW is she a talker these days. It doesn't make a ton of sense unless you know her pretty well. But she's started saying things like "mommy's car ~ mommycah" and "i want that" and "one more book" ... most of her words are all strung together in one, and that's one of the big things we are working on. But she's tough - she's very, very 2 years-old, and has started fussing a lot about wearing her brace. I think she knows that Lily changes her shoe choice every day and gets to pick what shoes she wears, and Imogene is stuck with the brace and the same shoes every single day.

Lily's writing is getting a lot better, but a lot of her issues remain, and I try very hard to take it one day at a time, but with all the stuff getting ready for kindergarten registration right now, it's hard not to worry just a little bit more than I usually do about how she will do. My main concern, and I think Bill feels this too, is that I want her to love learning, and love school, and I don't want frustration with her skills and her sensory issues to get in the way of that.

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