Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Winter Arrives in Alexandria!

It is so cold here! I have to say I like it - one of the reasons I wanted to go to college in Virginia was to live somewhere that had actual seasons. Boy am I getting that this week. Unfortunately it is arriving with a lot of rain. We've had a nice run of dry days that have allowed for a good bit of outside time. Not sure what I'm going to do without that option with Lily! I spent about an hour in Lily's class today. She seemed so proud and happy to have me there. Which I have to say was pretty nice because I feel a lot like she is just always angry or grumpy or whining when we are home. I know that she's had to deal with a lot these last 9 months. She didn't just get a baby sister, she got a baby sister whose lack of sleep is resulting in extreme exhaustion for her parents, and I know that plays into how we are sometimes with Lily. And these last 2 months, I imagine she understands in some way, without saying so, that things have really been all about Imogene. But even with all that in my mind as we deal with the tantrums, it's so hard to deal with the tantrums!!!!!!!! But her teacher said that she is a dream at school, so that makes us happy. Imogene loves WWP too! I put her in the Bjorn carrier yesterday when we picked Lily up, and as we were walking through the parking lot she made this loud grunt/laugh sound, which I swear was excitement because she knew we were going to get Lily. And she just loved watching the kids run around on the playground after school - kicking her legs and laughing out loud.
Tomorrow is Thursday - PT for Imogene and Maggie comes in the afternoon. Yippee for Maggie. Lily is going to PT tomorrow as well. Maybe she'll get an idea of what Imogene is doing, even if she doesn't really 'understand.' And I hope that it will help Imogene to have Lily there, because there is nothing in the world Imogene loves more than Lily.

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