Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Silent Treatment

Lily is not reporting much from school this week.
Yesterday was music, and she said it was not fun. (This may just be drama, but who knows.) She had art, which she was basically like - "yes, I liked it. Of course I did."  She had her first homework assignment last night. We came home from therapy at 5 - all of us exhausted. Imogene and I were gone from 9 am - 5 pm running around - we drove to therapy for her, and then ran an errand and then went and got Lily and went to her therapy. It was a marathon day. So we get home at 5 pm, and the ice cream social is at 6 pm at school. So I tell Lily to enjoy vegging out on the couch with her new favorite movie "Ramona & Beezus." And then I open the folder from school and see that she has homework. And we both just panicked. It was not a pretty scene. She had a to draw a picture and then write a sentence about it. Hello??? Write a sentence. She drew the picture and then we worked HARD on the sentence - it was torture and she was miserable. But we did it. So today I immediately opened her backpack on the playground after school to make sure we didn't have any for tonight. That's my new promise to myself - not walking in the door without knowing what's ahead of us! We have ballet and choir tomorrow after school, so she did her homework for tomorrow night today! Whew.
Yes, I said Ballet and Choir. And she's doing soccer on Thursdays. It's SO much to keep up with for me - but it's so good for her. I really think the more she sits around the more she just wants to watch TV and then she just whines and loses her mind. So we'll be active!!! OT will be every other Monday starting in October, which is nice. So we'll have Tuesdays and Fridays completely free (until she wants to do an after school program that the PTA offers!!!) ... We can always change our schedule. Just doing what I think works best for her ... and she is SO excited to sing in the church choir - I could not turn that one down. These two are definitely into music, dancing and singing.

And now I'm off to bed, since Imogene keeps waking up at night wanting me to sleep with her in her toddler bed - which remember, is just a crib with one of the railings taken off ... it's NOT.BIG.ENOUGH. for the two of us!!!

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