Friday, July 22, 2011

It takes a Village

Thanks to our absolutely wonderful neighbors Delaine & Blanton, Lily had her first sleepover last night. Bill was called to Chicago last minute, and I had a show I really didn't want to cancel. After trying 7 people to babysit, Delaine was kind enough to offer to keep the girls. Everyone did so well! Lily had a hard time going to sleep - but Imogene was asleep on the couch with her boyfriend Blanton kindly watching over her in the dark when I came in. How lucky are we to have such great friends next door? Imogene came home with me, and Lily stayed the whole night - and then played with Will the entire morning. Such sweet pals they are. Of course Lily is exhausted today and really fussy. But since it's over 100 degrees outside, I have no problem letting them have a movie day and going for ice cream later.

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