Monday, September 27, 2010

Imogene's Tantrum

If Imogene gets mad about something, she always storms off to pout and pitch a fit. When we are on the main floor of our house, she goes to the exact same spot every time. Even Lily said the other day, "I bet I know where she's going." Here she is. She always throws herself onto the little green chair. I just had to photograph it. In her defense, she's very good at self-regulation. She fusses and cries and pouts, and then usually, she's over it. 

Here she is in a little bit better mood!  Imogene has very few words, but a lot of sounds. And this weekend, she added a word. AHMO. As in, Elmo.  I would swear that Sesame Street consulted a linguist before they named Elmo. It seems like most kids can say Elmo if they want to! 

Reviewing the Stella & Dot hostess guide-azine to decide how she's going to throw her next party. Speaking of jewelry, Imogene LOVES trying on all the Stella & Dot jewels. She puts on a necklace, says "oh" for off, and then tries on another one. Over and Over and Over again. I'm having an absolute blast in my new position with Stella & Dot. The jewelry is gorgeous, and it's been pretty easy to line up trunk show parties - who wouldn't want to have their friends over and earn free jewelry!?! Bill & the girls have been very supportive, and I'm so thankful to them for that! 

That's Lily as the blue ghost! She kept yelling "I bet you can't find me Mom and Imogene. I bet you don't know where I am. I bet you don't know who is under this blanket, the blue one in the chair." Her style of hide-and-seek is the same - not so good at the hiding part! 

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