Wednesday, March 3, 2010

OT and Miss Pam

Imogene had OT today. For constraint therapy (binding her left arm to force use of the right) we put her in a bathing suit from last summer (which of course on the peanut it fit, despite being a 3-6 month size). This was an idea of Amy's and it worked great. She tried hard to get the left arm out (even tried getting it out of the leg hole!) but didn't get too fussy, and tolerated the whole activity for about 15 minutes, which is wonderful. She did really well with the right and did the very best she could getting the hand open. She even took a puzzle piece with a really big knob out and put it back in. And if that wasn't enough of a great day, she finally bonded with dear Miss Pam. Miss Pam (Lily's teacher next year) is so devoted to all of us already, and tries hard each time she sees Imogene to create a relationship. Today her heart-work paid off! While we were at Garden Club, Imogene sat with her for at least 40 minutes (Pam maybe it was 45?) and even did her little head rest on the chest move. It was wonderful to see because I know how happy it made Miss Pam. And it was nice for me to get a little break and help Lily. And to see Imogene bond with others - sometimes I feel like Bill and I are the only people she lets hold her on a regular basis (except her grandmothers!)
More than one person today at school told me that Lily said "I'm going to be 5 soon." "

1 comment:

  1. It did make me very very HAPPY! It's the beginning of a beautiful friendship!!!! It made my day!
